
Isle of White
Isle of White
Isle of White
$79.95Like a vacation for the senses, this lovely bouquet delivers an oasis of beauty and elegance. Soothing, serene and very special. Cr...

Garden Parade
Garden Parade
Garden Parade
$74.95You'll want to put this colorful bouquet on your hit parade of gifts to send. Bold primary colors and a perfect mix of flowers make it great for men and women of all ages. In other words, it's a perfect arrangement. Yellow roses, alstroemeria, and button spray chrysanthemums, red miniature gerberas ...

Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
Teleflora's Sunny Smiles
$69.95What better gift to send someone than a sunny smile? Think how much that sentiment delivered in the form of this beautiful and cheerful bouquet will mean to whoever's on your mind today. Dazzling green roses, peach spray roses, yellow asiatic lilies, alstroemeria and solidago along with beautiful le...

This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
This Magic Moment
$99.95It will be a magic moment when this divine bowl of pastel roses is hand-delivered to someone special. Perfect for any occasion, the soft colors and variety of rose blossoms will soothe anyone's soul. Beautiful yellow roses, peach and white spray roses and greens are delivered in a clear glass bubble...

Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
Emerald Garden Basket
$84.95You don't have to follow the yellow brick road to find this emerald jewel. All kinds of gorgeous greens fill this basket that makes a perfect gift for men or women. Celebration or sympathy. Birthday or any day. So beautiful and bountiful it will deliver any message eloquently. Pothos, nephthytis, di...

Fruit & Flowers Basket
Fruit & Flowers Basket
Fruit & Flowers Basket
$84.95The Fruit & Flowers Basket is a thoughtful gift that conveys your warmest sentiments. Pink roses, pink stock, orange spray roses, green gladiolus, variegated ivy, and lush greens are arranged amongst a collection of fruit, gorgeously seated in a large green basket to create a stunning gift. ...

Teleflora's Glorious Day
Teleflora's Glorious Day
Teleflora's Glorious Day
$109.95Some people like their lemonade yellow, while others prefer pink. Guess what? This glorious arrangement caters to both! Pretty pink and lemon yellow blossoms are served up gloriously in a vase. Yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and fresh greenery are delivered in a stylish vase....

It's My Party by Teleflora
It's My Party by Teleflora
It's My Party by Teleflora
$74.95The only crying that this plum party arrangement might inspire are tears of joy! So fabulous. So fun. So fall with its jewel-toned modern cube that's chock full of gorgeous red, purple and perfect flowers. Red roses and gerberas, dark red spray roses, lavender chrysanthemums, purple statice and red ...

Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
Wondrous Wishes by Teleflora
$94.95Awe and wonder. That's what's included in this magical bouquet. It's a beautiful mix of radiant blossoms in a stunning glass vase. Brilliant blue hydrangea, orange roses, light pink asiatic lilies, hot pink gerberas, pink alstroemeria, purple chrysanthemums and more fill a fabulously feminine vase. ...

Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
Arrive In Style
$84.95This beautiful bouquet will most certainly arrive in style! Ready for the runway, as it were. A delightful combination of light colors and lovely flowers, it's simply beautiful. Light pink roses, white asiatic lilies, alstroemeria, cushion spray chrysanthemums and statice are delivered in a stylish ...

Thoughtful Gesture Fruit Basket
Thoughtful Gesture Fruit Basket
Thoughtful Gesture Fruit Basket
$64.95The Thoughtful Gesture Fruit Basket is a gift that offers warmth and comfort whenever it is needed. A beautiful green-rimmed natural woodchip basket accented with a green taffeta ribbon arrives with a collection of everyone's fruit favorites....

French Garden
French Garden
French Garden
$79.95The French Garden employs lush, green plants to create a gift ideal for any of life's special occasions. Containing a varied assortment of green plants, this dish garden arrives presented in a natural round woodchip basket accented with a ired taffeta ribbon to create a wonderful way to send your se...

The Starshine Bouquet
The Starshine Bouquet
The Starshine Bouquet
$79.95It's time to celebrate! New job, new home, a birthday, a new love? This fresh flower arrangement has you covered. Hot pink bi-colored roses, orange Asiatic Lilies, green Fuji Chrysanthemums, hot pink mini carnations, tropical leaves, and lush greens are brought together to impress, presented in a cl...

The Always True Bouquet
The Always True Bouquet
The Always True Bouquet
$79.95The Always True Bouquet is blooming with sunlit color and gorgeous grace to create a stunning gift for any of life's special moments. Brilliant orange roses, spray roses and tulips are simply stunning arranged amongst hot pink mini carnations, purple tulips, dark pink Asiatic lilies and lush greens....

The Daylight Bouquet
The Daylight Bouquet
The Daylight Bouquet
$74.95Let your recipient step into the sun with this unforgettable gift of flowers. Mini sunflowers catch they eye with their alluring brown centers and bold yellow petals surrounded by yellow roses, yellow button poms, yellow solidago, bupleurum, and lush greens gorgeously arranged in a green swirled gla...

The Bright Days Ahead Bouquet
The Bright Days Ahead Bouquet
The Bright Days Ahead Bouquet
$74.95Celebrating life with colorful blooms that inspire and delight, this flower bouquet is ready to create a happy moment for your recipient that they will never forget. Orange roses, hot pink gerbera daisies, yellow gerbera daisies, hot pink carnations, green button poms, bupleurum, and lush greens min...

Nature's Bounty Bouquet
Nature's Bounty Bouquet
Nature's Bounty Bouquet
$74.95Bright, vibrant, and ready to inspire with each sun-kissed bloom, this simply stunning flower bouquet is a gift your recipient will always remember. Rich red roses, orange roses, orange spray roses, orange gerbera daisies, orange Asiatic Lilies, flame mini calla lilies, red hypericum berries, and an...

The Birthday Cheer Bouquet
The Birthday Cheer Bouquet
The Birthday Cheer Bouquet
$74.95Birthday blooms that are ready to get your recipient's special day started, this flower bouquet is bright, happy, and ready to celebrate! Hot pink roses and orange Asiatic Lilies are vibrant and fun surrounded by purple Peruvian Lilies, hot pink mini carnations, green button poms, purple statice, an...

The Autumn Roads Bouquet
The Autumn Roads Bouquet
The Autumn Roads Bouquet
$74.95Leading to a journey full of crisp fresh air and harvest sunlight, this stunning fall bouquet weaves together the fabric of this festive season. Bronze chrysanthemums, orange Peruvian Lilies, and butterscotch daisies blend together to create a warm and inviting bouquet accented with lush greens and ...

The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
The Joyous Holiday Bouquet
$79.95The Joyous Holiday Bouquet is a seasonal sensation your special recipient will love. Rich red roses, carnations, and mini carnations are brought together with brilliant white Asiatic lilies and chrysanthemums accented with lush holiday greens to create an incredible fresh flower arrangement. Present...

Pink Posh Bouquet
Pink Posh Bouquet
Pink Posh Bouquet
$79.95The Pink Posh Bouquet is chic and pink to help you celebrate life's most treasured moments in style! Hot pink roses are bright and beautiful arranged amongst pink Asiatic Lilies, pink stock, green button poms, bupleurum and lush greens to create that perfect gift of flowers. Presented in a clear gla...

Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
Best Day Bouquet
$84.95The Best Day Bouquet is ready to create a moment your recipient will always remember! An instant mood booster with it's mix of bright bold colors, this gorgeous fresh flower arrangement brings together sunflowers, hot pink roses, purple double lisianthus, orange LA Hybrid Lilies, yellow snapdragons,...

High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
High Style Bouquet
$89.95The High Style Bouquet is on-trend and ready to wow your special recipient with it's mix of bold and beautiful blooms! Rich red roses, Stargazer Lilies, pink Peruvian Lilies, burgundy mini carnations, pink statice, and lush greens are arranged to perfection by our floral professionals to create a gi...

Rays of Life Bouquet
Rays of Life Bouquet
Rays of Life Bouquet
$134.95Show your loved ones how much you care about them with a beautiful bouquet full of bright summer florals. Our Rays of Light Bouquet arrives handcrafted with sunflowers, iris, stock and delphinium to offer your comfort. While this bouquet is stunning in size, if is best to be placed on a small table,...

Garden of Life Basket
Garden of Life Basket
Garden of Life Basket
$104.95A gorgeous mix of beautiful, bright summer flowers offers an uplifting expression of your sympathy and love. This basket comes designed with iris, stock and roses to share your thoughtful sentiments to any service or home....

Pure Ivory Basket
Pure Ivory Basket
Pure Ivory Basket
$104.95With our Pure Ivory Basket, share comfort and solace to your loved ones who are going through a time of loss. We handcraft this basket of hydrangea, daisy pompons and snapdragons to share your messages of sympathy....

Graceful Garden Basket
Graceful Garden Basket
Graceful Garden Basket
$104.95Elegant white flowers effortlessly capture your messages of support and love during the passing of a loved one. Our Graceful Garden Basket is handcrafted with stock, spray roses and carnations, with each bloom accented by a charming basket....
Orders placed by 1pm recipient time are guaranteed to arrive by sundown. The website offers a wide selection of bouquets, from simple to extravagant, all hand-designed by local floral artists. Balloon packages, fruit baskets, potted plants, and hanging baskets are also available to add a festive touch to office parties or to brighten up the workplace.
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